We’re going into the fifth week of LA County’s Safer at Home Order and things have been different, to say the least. We’ve shifted our daily routines and settled into the new normal. Many of our roles have drastically changed and expanded from what...

Looking to exercise regularly and incorporate self-care habits at home? Check out these tips that can help you practice a healthy lifestyle and give your immunity the boost it needs to help keep you well.

Create structure and re-...

There are COVID-19 rules that everybody in the South Bay has heard innumerable times.  Still, they bear repeating…

-The virus doesn’t have wings or legs; it can only be spread by us.  So, keep yourself out of circulation and don’t socialize....

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health are recommending that the general public wear non-medical ...
Tips To Help Those In Need During COVID-19 Emergency
Here are ways residents can support at-risk older adults in their area: 
  • Keeping a positive attitude as much as possible
  • Taking out...

The best community and individual defense against COVID-19 is to:

Public health officials are urging...

For the first time, physical isolation is the best thing for our health, but decades of research show us that social connection is still crucial while we’re physically distant. Moais can help us be social while practicing physical distancing.


Stay connected with Beach Cities Health District recent newsletters below:
December 22, 2020: Happy Holidays from BCHD
December 10, 2020: Safely Home for...

With this dramatic change in our lifestyles during COVID-19, many of us have lost access to our usual routines that helped keep us exercising. Perhaps the very reason you went to the gym in the first place was that you couldn’t find the motivation to...

“How are you?”

Many of us uttered this phrase casually in a pre-coronavirus era – to our coworkers on our way to the coffee pot, to the checker at the grocery store, to an acquaintance on the street. But now, more than ever, it’s time to take a...
