Healthy Living Programs
Healthy Eating

Beach Cities Health District has identified physical health as a health priority for 2025-28. For more information about the health priorities, visit

Good nutrition is essential across the lifespan. Healthy eating patterns lead to higher life expectancy and lower the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Healthy eating can also help manage these conditions and prevent complications (CDC, 2021).

Beach Cities Data 

  • The percentage of Beach Cities adults who reported eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables in the past week is on par with the U.S., but has decreased in the Beach Cities since 2017.
  • Rates of obesity and overweight in the Beach Cities remains lower than the U.S. and has continued to decrease since 2010.
  • Though lifetime diagnosis rates of high blood pressure and high cholesterol are lower in the Beach Cities than the U.S., have both increased in the Beach Cities since 2017. 

Source: Gallup National Health & Well-being Index (WBI), 2020 

Blue Zones Project 

Produce by Season

Beets Bell Peppers Broccoli Brussles Sprouts
Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Cellery
Collard Greens Garlic Ginger Green Beans
Herbs Kale Lettuce Mushrooms
Onions Parsnips Peas Potatoes
Radishes Rutabagas Spinach Sweet Potatoes & Yams
Swiss Chard Turnips Winter Squash  
  Fall FRUITS  
Apples Bananas Cranberries Grapes
Kiwifruit Lemons Limes Mangos
Pears Pineapples Pumpkin  


Fall Recipes

Healthy Eating Guide
Nutrition Blog Posts