Mission + History

Beach Cities Health District offers three types of grants: our Grants for Non-Profits, our Micro-Enrichment Grants for small, one-time health projects and Emergency and Disaster Relief grants.

Micro-Enrichment Grants

BCHD’s Micro-Enrichment grants (MEG) provide small, one-time project-based health initiatives up to $2,000 of funding. Micro-Enrichment Grants are intended to support small community projects that may otherwise not be funded by other means. Community organizations and groups, non-profit organizations and individuals are eligible to apply. Micro-Enrichment Grant funding is intended for one-time projects and not intended to be an ongoing source of funding. Projects that have received MEG funding in the past are not eligible to receive funding for the same project. The projects must be completed within one (1) year of being awarded funding, if not, you must ask for an extension. Funds will not be awarded for events/activities held before the announcement of awardees in May 2023.

Applications opened Monday, March 27, 2023 and were due no later than noon on Friday, April 28, 2023. Grant award announcements will be made in May 2023.

The application period for accepting applications is closed.

Application Criteria

  • Individuals or groups requesting MEG must be legal residents of or provide services to residents or employees in the three Beach Cities.
  • The project must impact the health of the community within the scope of the BCHD health priorities, mission and strategic goals.
  • Funding cannot in any way be related to fundraising activities or sponsorships for charitable events.
  • Applicants associated with foundations that are sponsored or controlled by existing District grant recipients are not eligible to apply for additional funding.
  • Funding cannot be related to the general operating budget of the applicant organization. Funding cannot be replacement funds so that a project’s current funding can be shifted to other programs of the applicant.
  • Funding cannot be for basic research, defined herein as the pursuit of knowledge without immediate practical program or human application.
  • The applicant must complete the MEG application form in its entirety for consideration. Incomplete applications will be returned.
  • The applicant must sign an agreement and submit a final summary report at the completion of the project.
  • MEG funding is intended for one-time projects and not intended to be an ongoing source of funding. Projects that have received MEG funding in the past are not eligible to receive funding for the same project.

An ad-hoc Grants Committee will review applications through a competitive selection process. There are two application windows each year in April and October. There is $10,000 available for allocation in Spring 2023 Micro-Enrichment Grant application window.

In accordance with AB 2019, BCHD staff members and Board members are prohibited from scheduling individual meetings with grant applicants to discuss their grant proposal.

Non-Profit Agency Grants

The District funds programs that provide:

  • Health education and prevention
  • Support groups
  • Health promotion
  • Health maintenance
  • Efforts to develop and test new approaches to solving problems within the health field
  • Safety net programs for vulnerable and underserved populations (e.g., senior and homeless meal program)

"Health" includes both physical and mental health.

To be eligible for consideration, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • The agency must be an incorporated nonprofit organization with a tax-exempt status under California State law and the Internal Revenue Code.
  • The agency must demonstrate the ability to provide proposed services. Greater consideration will be given to agencies with experience in delivering health-related programs.
  • An agency does not need to be located within BCHD service area, but it must demonstrate the ability to make services easily accessible to those residing in Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach.
  • District funds must only be spent on the residents of Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach and Redondo Beach.

Beach Cities Health District (BCHD) is accepting applications for its non-profit agency grants to enhance its ability to provide preventive health services in the community. Non-profits that provide physical health and/or mental health programs are welcome to apply. 

In April, our ad-hoc Grants Committee, comprised of staff and members of the board appointed Community Health Committee, will select applications to recommend to the Board for funding. The Board of Directors will approve grant applicants through their annual budget adoption at their June 28, 2023 Board meeting. Awardees will be notified in June and upon signing the final contract, disbursements of funds will occur in FY 2023-2024 on a performance reimbursement basis.

The application period for accepting applications is closed.

Emergency and Disaster Relief Grants

These Grants provide disaster relief health initiatives with funding that may otherwise not be funded by other means. These Grants may be awarded to non-profit agencies and local jurisdictions (e.g., cities, police departments, fire departments) serving Beach Cities residents based on specific operational and recovery objectives and priorities as determined by the District Operations Center.

Emergency and Disaster Relief Grants funding is intended for one-time projects and not intended to be an ongoing source of funding.

The application window for Emergency and Disaster Relief Grants is currently closed.

Health Priorities

Health Priorities 2025-2028
Mental Health and Substance Use
Physical Health

Additional Resources