Tips to LiveWell: Mind

Well-being is more than just eating right and exercising. It’s a holistic approach that includes your physical health, mental health and social health – your body, mind and community. Being kind to yourself and all aspects of your well-being helps create a healthier and happier you.

Be kind to your mind: Take screen-free breaks every day

Did you know American adults spend the equivalent of 49 days a year on their phone and tablets? It’s time we spend more time IRL (in real life) than online. Taking a break from electronics can help improve your sleep, deepen your connections and increase your productivity.   

Tips for a digital detox:

  • Turn off unnecessary notifications
  • Take a screen-free lunch or break by leaving behind your phone or laptop
  • Keep your phone on silent and out of sight while interacting with friends or family 
  • Reduce your social media use
  • Use an alarm clock instead of your phone
  • Leave your phone outside of your bedroom while you sleep

Replace your screen time with these activities.

  • Talk a walk outside. Join a walking moai! For list of moais, visit
  • Spark a conversation with a colleague or neighbor
  • Enjoy one of your hobbies like exercising, painting or gardening


Be kind to your mind: Express appreciation and gratitude to others every day

Gratitude turns what we have into enough. Gratitude helps you feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, deal with adversity and build strong relationships. It’s one thing to be grateful, and another thing to be able to express gratitude. Practicing gratitude is not only reserved for the Thanksgiving season but should be practiced year-round.

  • Keep a gratitude journal – identify five things you’re grateful for weekly – it can be things, people or experiences
  • Count your blessings
  • Say “thank you” and mean it
  • Teach your little ones gratitude from a young age
  • Surround yourself with mementos of what you’re grateful for, like photos
  • Practice Mindful Gratitude. View guide at
  • Take a Gratitude Quiz at

Read 4 Compliments Anyone Would Love to Receive at

Be kind to your mind: Practice mindfulness every day

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. Practicing mindfulness helps you more effectively deal with everyday tasks because you are aware, observant, nonreactive and nonjudgmental. Being mindful doesn't only mean taking a mindful minute. Find opportunities to be mindful in your everyday life:

  • When you're feeling overwhelmed, take a minute to pause and focus on your breath
  • Designate an area within your home to practice meditation
  • Practice a variety of mindfulness meditations on your own. View guide at

Attend the next Mindfulness Drop-In. Visit for more information


Pledge to LiveWell

Care for the whole you – body, mind and community

Mental Health & Happiness Series

Learn how to boost your well-being at these in-person workshops

Organization Engagement

Empower your employees or members to prioritize well-being