Cloth Face Coverings
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health are recommending that the general public wear non-medical cloth face coverings when interacting with others while obtaining essential supplies and services. 
Wearing a cloth face covering does not eliminate the need to physically distance yourself from others and to wash your hands frequently. They are an additional tool that can protect others from possible exposure to respiratory droplets that may come from our mouth when we talk, sneeze or cough.

N95 and surgical masks are in short supply and should only be used by healthcare workers, first responders, essential workers providing care for people who are ill, and people who are ill.

Pictured above:
Dr. William E. Kim, MD, Chief Medical Advisor for BCHD, demonstrates how a homemade cloth face covering can be fashioned out of a t-shirt.